Niteworks - Getting better Cycling Results

How does Niteworks work in practice?

Getting Better Cycling Results

A group of 16 male cyclists, aged 50 to 73 years, were randomly assigned to receive either the supplement (Niteworks) containing 5.2 grams of L-arginine, or a look-alike placebo and instructed to continue with their usual cycling regimen over the three week study period.

After three weeks, those taking the supplement had an increase in their anaerobic threshold – the point at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood, leading to fatigue.
The anaerobic threshold of the study subjects was assessed both before and after the three week study period. In those receiving the supplement, their anaerobic threshold increased by 16.7% after one week, and held steady during the three weeks, whereas those in the placebo group experienced no change. More details.

What does this mean?

If you boost your anaerobic threshold you increase your endurance and stamina.
(the threshold will vary from person to person and can be increased by training however..)
If you simply taking Niteworks once a night (like the cyclist above) before bedtime it will help you boost your sports performance – like running, weight training, rowing, swimming……

Example 1 –

How Herbalife has turned back Jim’s biological clock.

I have always tried to stay as fit as possible. However, as I passed through the 50’s & entered the 60’s I was losing the battle.
Then I was introduced to Herbalife products and it changed my life. My energy immediately went up, my weight went down (20lbs) and I no longer take cholesterol or allergy medications.

My springtime allergies were very bad. I just returned from a bike ride in Colorado. 2000 of us pedalled 162 miles in three days over numerous high Mt passes to the ski villages in central Colorado. Average elevation was 10,000′.
Even on the third day, I finished with the first hand full of riders while enjoying the fabulous scenery.

At age 66, I am doing things I could not do 15 years ago. I use formula 1,2 and 3, Schizandra, Joint Support, Herbal Aloe Drink and Niteworks. Herbalife has turned back my biological clock.

Jim Dressler -Albuquerque, USA


The Technical Bit…

Herbalife Niteworks™ is a revolutionary dietary supplement containing an exclusive blend of amino acids L-Arginine and L-Citrulline with other ingredients that trigger the production of healthful Nitric Oxide. This is important, because as you age, production of Nitric Oxide, the naturally occurring compound which affects circulatory vessel dilation and elasticity, declines.

And if cholesterol-laden plaque builds up in an artery, the opening shrinks, blood flow decreases and can even be blocked with formation of a clot, causing cardiovascular health risks. Scientists have discovered that Nitric Oxide dilates or expands arteries and regulates cell function throughout the body. Increased Nitric-Oxide production improves circulation to the body’s vital organs, including heart and brain. Discoveries relating to Nitric Oxide led to Dr. Louis Ignarro and two other scientists winning the Nobel† Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998.

Herbalife teamed with Dr. Ignarro to develop Niteworks™, a lemon-flavored powder mix. Niteworks™ is formulated to help you create more life-supporting Nitric Oxide during the night, when Nitric-Oxide levels are naturally at their lowest.*

In 1998, along with two other scientists, Dr. Louis Ignarro received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for “discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system.” Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Press Release

Key active Niteworks™ ingredients trigger the production of Nitric Oxide, an important biological messenger that creates a cascade of benefits which can improve the flow of blood to all organs while improving the circulatory and immune-system functions. Niteworks™ is meant to be taken at night, when your body’s Nitric Oxide production from food and exercise is naturally at its lowest.*

View Niteworks mini booklet -how it all works


Example 2 –

Michael didn’t have much time to train…

“I’ve been doing triathlons for almost fifteen years now. This year, I wasn’t quite as prepared for the Malibu Triathlon as I would’ve liked, because I was travelling so much. I’m a competitive person and I prefer to be at the top of my game, so going into the race, I had a bit of trepidation that I hadn’t trained enough.

The ocean was really choppy making the swim exceptionally difficult, and when I got out, my mindset was that I had blown the whole race. But I actually won for my category and I was absolutely shocked!

The only thing that changed in my routine was taking Shapeworks™, Niteworks™ and other Herbalife products, which helped optimize my performance by delivering key nutrients and protein that my body needed to excel.”

Michael Johnson, Triathlete


How do you take it ?

Two scoops (two teaspoons or about 10 grams) in 8 oz. of cold water. May also be mixed with sparkling water or juice. Drink at night or before bedtime.

(150 g Tub – 1 tub will last about 2 weeks)